Photos for Grandparents

Binary Birthday Candles


Links & Other Stuff

About, Joey Hand, etc. was created and is maintained for the following reasons:

  • To publish photographs, art, etc. of my kids (and incidental others such as my wife, other family, myself, etc.) for their grandparents and for other family and friends.
  • To publicize my idea for using binary numbers with candles on birthday cakes.
  • To learn HTML and experiment with Web page authoring and publishing.
  • To do whatever else comes to mind. I'm thinking about a database of car-chase movies.


What people think of Joey

More about Joey

  Who is Joey Hand? Good question. I'm apt to shrug modestly and ask, "Who is John Galt?"
I am, among other things and in no particular order (beyond the first two)--
  • A father of two and husband (of one), including a one-year stint as a full-time father with our daughter.
  • A systems accountant for a Fortune 500 tech company, with a Master of Accounting degree from the Kenan-Flagler Business School of UNC-Chapel Hill.
  • A retired physicist, with a B.S. in Physics and Mathematics from Wofford College, a consolation master's degree in physics from Brandeis University, and a former instructor at Shaw University.
    Ok, so I 'retired' when I was 29 and started over as an accountant. With a Master's in Computer Science, I understand I would get a Platinum Pocket Protector.
  • A fan of European cycling--particularly the Tour de France--since Greg Lemond placed third to Bernard Hinault and Laurent Fignon in 1984. I enjoy recreational road- and mountain-bike riding, having completed the Assault on Mt. Mitchell twice (one was my first century in 1988) and the Bridge-to-Bridge up Grandfather Mountain in my younger days. I own a cherished 1986 Cannondale SR500 road bike and a no-shox Trek mountain bike that still get occasional use, mostly in the warmer months with long daylight hours.
  • A NASCAR fan. My grandfather used to race Dodges on dirt tracks in South Carolina. I went to the Daytona 500 in 1984 or 1985; Cale Yarborough won in a Hardee's Chevrolet, and I got goosebumps every time the cars came by at no-restrictor-plate full speed. I've gone to Charlotte a couple times in recent years, and I now pull for #24. I started pulling for Jeff Gordon when I was looking for a promising young driver, and
    1. Jeff was winning or finishing well for a rookie,
    2. his sponsor also sponsored the premier bicycle stage race in the U.S. at the time, the Tour Dupont (neè the Tour de Trump), and
    3. I liked the Dupont Chevrolet paint job.
  • An amatuer computer geek, as demonstrated (both "amateur" and "geek") by this site.
  • A fan of the blues, funk, 60's R&B like Motown and Atlantic soul, classical music, and a little jazz. Hard rock (Led Zep, Van Halen, Pearl Jam) also sounds pretty good sometimes. I played drums in high school, and still like stuff that features good percussion.
  • Mild-mannered and shy like Clark Kent, but short and skinny. (Getting wider, though.)
I also like contrasts and British humor. Thanks for your interest.