Hand Family Photos -- October-November, 2007
Pete playing fall baseball
Katie Rose in NC State Fair horse show
Norway, SC Hands' visit
November Boot Hill Horse Show

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Pete at bat for Hillcats baseball team Pete runs to first base after a hit Pete waits to run to 2nd base Pete comes in for a home run - Go Hillcats! Congratulating the other team on a good game Pete with his fall, 2007, baseball team, the Hillcats
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The Hillcats of Carrboro Parks & Rec fall baseball, 2007 Katie Rose and Bella, each ready for their first NC State Fair horse show Katie Rose and Bella at the state fair Katie Rose warming up for the state fair A miniature mule and draft mules at the state fair Miniature mule pulling large man in cart
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Katie Rose receiving last-minute advice in the covered warm-up ring Piper, Katie Rose and Bella waiting to enter the ring Katie Rose and Bella at a canter in a pony class of the horse show 6th place winners in 4H Hunter class-Ponies A tenth place in 9-10 Open Hunter - Ponies Bella with the ribbons she and Katie Rose won
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Last-minute carving for neighborhood pumpkin contest Carving our Halloween pumpkin Putting the finishing touches on our jack o'lantern Neighborhood winner for "Funniest carving of a silly face" The Hands' 2007 Halloween Pumpkin Pete's army man Halloween costume (overexposed, not a deathly white face)
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Lauren (death angel), Katie Rose (Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter), Elizabeth (1950s witch), and Sophie (Jenny Weasley from Harry Potter) Joey's niece Lydia visiting Chapel Hill Cousin Josiah and Pete painting The Herrons, Joey, and brother Scott at November Boot Hill Horse Show Pete, the horse show ribbon keeper for Rolling Hills Stables Cousin Abigail wishes Katie Rose good luck at the November Boot Hill Horse Show
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Cousins Josiah, Lydia, and Abigail wishing Katie Rose good luck at the November Boot Hill Horse Show Watching Katie Rose in a horse show Autumn horse show Katie Rose at the November Boot Hill Horse Show Katie Rose gives Abigail a ride on Bella after competing in the horse show Katie Rose leading Abigail on Bella
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Pete also takes a ride on Bella, and Bella wears Pete's baseball cap 2007 Thanksgiving turkey, just out of the oven Uncle Bob and Mom Herron looking at Uncle Bob's photos Aunt Kathie and Joey in the kitchen Katie Rose setting the table Pete finds his seat at the Thanksgiving table
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Waiting for dessert after a hike in the woods Katie Rose likes lots of whipped topping on her desserts