Hand Family Photos -- Sept, 2007
Bridge to Bridge '07 bike ride
Debbie's 20th High School Reunion Picnic
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Katie Rose, Petey Puppy, and her mineys Pete's collection - A dead snake, cicada shells, and a dead bee Preparing for Bridge to Bridge 2007 Pete on morning of Bridge to Bridge 2007 Almost ready to head to the start line Waiting for the start of Bridge to Bridge 2007 (Joey has black headband)
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Riders coming toward the first "rest stop" of B2B 2007 Katie Rose and Pete hand out bananas to riders Joey coming up NC 181's 11-mile climb Joey headed up NC-181's 11-mile climb Waiting for riders on top of Grandfather Mountain Joey approaches the last hairpin coming up Grandfather Mountain
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Joey climbs up to the finish as another rider tries to get moving again Joey finishes Bridge to Bridge 2007 in 6:42:45 Rachel (Pendarvis) and husband Debbie, Andrea's husband and kids, and Andrea (Brooks) Cantrell Belcher and wife Robin Fender and Debbie
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Lee Syfrett and wife Helen Welch, Malissia Jett, and Debbie Katie Rose doing tumbling at the Williams' estate Leigh Kaizer and Debbie Jewel (Hay), Leigh (Kaizer), and Debbie (Herron) Hand Marion Williams Scalise, Debbie Herron Hand, and Rosemary Sheppard Parham
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Debbie, Teresa Brickle and partner Chip Summers and Debbie Julia Frances (Shuler) Clark and Debbie Williams' picnic area