Hand Family Photos -- April-June, 2007
Flowers blooming around house
Joey and Debbie's visit to Charleston, SC
Easter in Bamberg, SC
Pete's spring Cub Scout activities
Fathers' Day Hand reunion in Bamberg
Kids' swim meet and summer camps
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Springtime on Kings Mountain Ct Springtime on 102 Kings Mountain Ct Pink dogwood in our front yard St Philip's Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC Debbie on cobblestoned Chalmers Street in Charleston, SC Purple house on Rainbow Row, East Bay Street, Charleston, SC
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Rainbow Row, East Bay Street, Charleston, SC Joey on The Battery, Charleston, SC Joey in Charleston, SC Joey and Coppi Dog at Edisto River with cypress knees, Ghiven's Ferry State Park, SC Mom Hand Aunt Pete & Dad Hand
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Joey & Debbie (better-half-self-portrait) Celebrating Hand family March birthdays - Andrew opening presents Margie, Charlee, and Andrew Celebrating Hand family March birthdays - Katie Rose opening presents Katie Rose and Pete discover what the Easter Bunny left them Katie Rose on Easter morning
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Pete and his chocolate bunny, "Carrot Patch Pete" Playing with toys Easter morning Mom and Dad Hand on Easter morning Kids' Easter egg hunt in Grandma's living room Pete finds an Easter egg! Aunt Margie braiding Katie Rose's hair for Easter
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Katie Rose with French-braided hair (front view) Katie Rose with French-braided hair (back view) Katie Rose with her Picasso-style self-portrait on display at the local schools' art show Cub Scout field games - Katie Rose becoming a dizzy blonde Cub Scout field games - Katie Rose in Dizzy Izzy race Cub Scout field games - Girls and Bears heat of three-legged race
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Katie Rose and partner beat the Cub Scout Bears in three-legged race Pete gets (cross-)dressed in Clothes-Change Relay Race There's the dummy! - Water balloons tossed at the Mummied Dummies Pete in Dizzy Izzy race - balance almost restored! Pete after a relay race Pack 283 Den 2 ready for a ride on the American Tobacco Trail
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Tiger Cubs coming down the ATT Tiger and Wolf Cub Scouts watch Arthur the king snake at Camp Don Lee Pete holds Arthur the king snake Levi paints the symbol of their tribe name "Viper Pickles" on Pete's cheek at Camp Don Lee Levi, Andy and Pete on cabin porch at Camp Don Lee with Cub Scouts looking over Pamlico Sound Pete on the pier in Pamlico Sound at Camp Don Lee during Cub Scout Pack 283 camping trip
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Levi, Pete, and Max on the pier at Camp Don Lee Den 2 & their akelas at Camp Don Lee Hands and Bonners on the beach at Oak Island Katie Rose and her Ms Pac-Man dirt sculpture Andrew pushing Charlee in Bamberg, SC Margie, Aunt Pete, and Mom Hand fixing Fathers' Day (observed) dinner in Bamberg
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Aunt Pete and protege Amy fixing salad for Hand Family Fathers' Day dinner A load of trouble at Grandma's house! The Kids' Table at Grandma's house for dinner Joking around the table in Bamberg Dad Hand (unposed) and Scott (posing) after supper in Bamberg Two smiling generations of dads on Fathers' Day (observed)
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Charlee the Koala on Mom Margie Dad Hand reads Abigail's Father's Day card Pete awaiting start of a backstroke heat at a swim meet Pete doing backstroke at a swim meet Katie Rose doing backstroke at swim meet (nearest lane) Pete at swim meet
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Pete at swim meet waiting his turn in a relay and cheering his teammate Pete and cousin Collin at summer nature day camp Katie Rose and friend Maya at Girl Scout Camp Katie Rose and Maya at Girl Scout Camp with counselors Maya's mom Stacia, Maya, and Katie Rose look a the Alpine Tower the girls climbed at Camp Mary Atkinson Katie Rose and the Camp Mary Atkinson Alpine Tower