Rare events today

I had four rare phenomena happen today. Any one by itself would not be remarkable, but all four together warrant a blog posting that few people will read.

  1. I got new contact lenses. I usually only wear contacts for bicycling with sunglasses or days when I’m outside a lot, like at the beach. When I do wear them, I seem to be fairly light on them, and they last well: I still had 3-1/2 pair of disposable lenses left from when I last got them two or three years ago, and at the same prescription. So my eyes are in good health and have not changed much–don’t need bifocals quite yet. With no reason to get new glasses, I used my vision benefits to get contacts instead. My optometrist suggested daily wear, which seem ideal for what my usage pattern and carry no marginal cost. I’ve been wearing a trial pair today, despite no bike riding, and I’m looking forward to just taking them out and throwing them away rather than going through the cleaning routine. Rarity: getting new contacts as well as wearing contacts when I’m in the office all day.
  2. When I got to the office after my appointment, I felt a static shock as I put my computer in it’s port at my desk, and then it would not turn on. I called the company Helpless Desk, and they referred me to another number. Fortunately, it was easily remedied with that Help desk (yea Lenovo support in ATL). At their instruction, I unplugged it, removed the battery, pressed the power button 10 times quickly, then held it the 11th time for 30 seconds. All this was to discharge any static buildup, or something like that. When I plugged the AC cord back in, it worked fine. Rarity: My computer not powering on and having to call the Help(less) desk(s).
  3. We had to get a new toilet in the kids’ bathroom, which is the first toilet we’ve every bought that didn’t come as part of a house. It supposed to be a nice one, and we got a good deal on it. Still, pretty hard to get excited about a toilet. Rarity: eh…
  4. I stayed in the office on a Friday night until almost 8pm. Working into the night is not as uncommon as I would like these days, but I’m working from home more often than not these days, and almost always at home if it is night. So being there after 6pm on a Friday was unusual, and the buildings seemed strangely deserted when I realized what time it was and eventually left. Even though it was dark outside, I have to look on the bright side and be glad I wasn’t my co-worker in the UK who was still online at 1:30am there when I got home here at 8:30pm here.

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